8:33pm – report of a chimney fire at 1000 block of Highway 101 at the house on the west side of Highway. Central Coast Fire, Yachats Fire and Seal Rock...
Live Breaking News Feeds
10:01am – Crash on Highway 20 and Fruitvale Rd. Westbound lane is blocked. Head on Collision. We are having an issue with the website as to many people...
Happy Afternoon Everyone! 😎 Erich here… So what to do while grounded from the radio, not aloud to work (I truly live to work and do stuff) and are stuck...
8:07am – Crash reported on Highway 101 at Milepost 10. North Lincoln Fire and Pacific West Ambulance enroute. 8:10am – Reported as single vehicle...
7:53pm – Vehicle vs Pedestrian at Highway 101 and Reeves Circle. Yachats Fire, Central Coast Fire and Seal Rock Fire are enroute. Oregon State Police...
11:32am – Report of a house fire on Loren Lane. Toledo Fire is enroute. 11:37am – Police onscene. Unable to locate fire on Loren Lane. Checking...
9:47pm – Report of a crash on Highway 18 at Milepost 9. North Lincoln Fire and Pacific West Ambulance enroute. 9:50pm – Report of 3 vehicles, 2 are...
7:46pm – Possible fire in an apartment building on Eads Street. Newport Fire, Newport Police, Medics. 7:48pm – Fire is onscene. Police have...
9:55pm – report of single vehicle crash into the brush. Sheriff’s onscene with single occupant. Pacific West Ambulance, Central Coast Fire, Yachats...
1:59pm – there is someone threatening to jump from the East Side of the bridge. Lincoln County Sheriff is onscene requesting Central Coast Fire to put...